State Rep. Russ Diamond | Pennsylvania 102nd Legislative District
State Rep. Russ Diamond | Pennsylvania 102nd Legislative District
Rep. Russ Diamond of Lebanon has been appointed to two House committees for the 2025-26 Legislative Session. He will return as the Republican chairman of the House Gaming Oversight Committee and has also been named a member of the State Government Committee.
House leadership reaffirmed Diamond's position in gaming oversight and expanded his responsibilities with the additional committee membership. "The proliferation of skill games as video gaming terminals in convenience stores, fraternal clubs, and bars remains a major issue before Gaming Oversight," said Diamond. "I'm eager to tackle that issue and update the Small Games of Chance law to help clubs and fire companies."
Diamond expressed gratitude for his return to the State Government Committee, where he aims to contribute to potential updates in election law. In addition, he was appointed as the House Republican Caucus’ representative on the Joint State Government Commission’s Election Law Advisory Board.