State Rep. Russ Diamond | Pennsylvania 102nd Legislative District
State Rep. Russ Diamond | Pennsylvania 102nd Legislative District
The Pennsylvania House of Representatives has passed a $47.6 billion budget, which was negotiated behind closed doors by House Democrats. This process left Republican representatives uncertain about the reasons for missing the June 30 deadline, according to Rep. Russ Diamond (R-Lebanon).
“It’s the most frustrating budget season of the last decade,” stated Diamond.
The General Appropriations bill is central to the state's annual spending plan, with additional components like a Fiscal Code built around it. Diamond voted against all measures, expressing concerns that the proposal could lead to future tax increases necessary to match rising spending levels.
The newly passed budget authorizes $2.7 billion more in spending compared to the previous fiscal year. “It’s bad enough this budget spends 6% more than last year, but on top of that, it spends $3.3 billion more than it takes in,” said Diamond. He questioned how such an approach could be feasible for Pennsylvania, noting its status as the country's fifth-largest state.
Diamond emphasized his stance by referencing constituents who are losing their homes due to increasing tax bills and expressed that he could not support the spending levels set by House Democrats in good conscience.